In June 2024 we celebrated two years in our new storefront gallery and twenty years serving downtown Oakland. The community response to the new location has been amazing. Your support enables us to keep it going!
RPSC is a 100% volunteer-run, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. What that means is that your donation is tax-deductible and every cent goes to operational expenses, strengthens our programs, and helps local artists get paid for their work.
Give what you can, how you can. ❤️
Set up a one-time or recurring donation via Paypal. Click the yellow button to begin!
Get involved if you can’t give financially or physically. As they say, time is money!
Rock Paper Scissors Collective
PO Box #71706
Oakland, CA 94612
In-kind donations are always appreciated. You may claim the cash value of in-kind donations on your taxes. Please contact us to offer an in-kind donation. We can also provide a wish list.